Publication Ethics

At Multidisciplinary Research and Development Publishers (MRD Publishers), we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all our publishing activities. Our publication policy is designed to ensure that the research we disseminate is both ethically sound and of the highest quality. This policy governs every stage of our publication process, from submission to review, and ultimately to dissemination, ensuring that all involved—authors, reviewers, and editors—adhere to our core values. Below, we outline the key elements of our publication ethics and policies, which are integral to fostering trust and respect in the scientific community and ensuring that our content is a reliable and valuable resource for researchers worldwide.

Comprehensive Peer Review

Our rigorous and transparent peer review process, conducted by experts, ensures scientific rigor, relevance, and originality of the research. This includes detailed assessments and constructive feedback.

  • Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts via our online system, ensuring compliance with our submission guidelines, including format and documentation requirements.
  • Initial Screening: Each manuscript is initially screened by the editorial staff for adherence to submission guidelines, relevance to our publication scope, and overall quality. Non-compliant or unsuitable manuscripts are returned for correction or rejected.
  • Editorial Assessment: Manuscripts passing initial screening are evaluated by an associate editor for scientific merit, originality, and significance. This may involve consultations with other editorial board members to determine suitability for peer review.
  • Peer Review: Suitable manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review by expert reviewers who assess methodological rigor, clarity, relevance, and field contribution. They provide detailed feedback and recommendations.
  • Revisions: Manuscripts requiring revisions are returned to authors with comments for improvement. Revised manuscripts may undergo additional review rounds as necessary.
  • Editorial Decision: Based on reviewer feedback and revised manuscripts, an associate editor makes a decision—accept, revise further, or reject. This decision is reviewed by the chief editor for consistency and fairness.
  • Final Acceptance and Publication: Accepted manuscripts proceed to copy-editing and formatting for publication. Authors review final proofs before publication.
  • Post-Publication Monitoring: Published articles are monitored for any arising issues, such as errors or ethical concerns, with mechanisms for readers to submit comments or concerns, addressed by the editorial board.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

  • Definition of Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest occurs when personal, financial, or other considerations have the potential to compromise or bias professional judgment and objectivity. This can affect authors, reviewers, and editors.
  • Disclosure Requirement: All authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest at the time of manuscript submission. This includes all financial, personal, or professional relationships that might influence their research.
  • Transparency for Reviewers and Editors: Reviewers and editors must also disclose any conflicts of interest that could affect their ability to objectively review a manuscript. If a significant conflict exists, they are expected to recuse themselves from the review process.
  • Publication of Conflicts: All disclosed conflicts of interest are made public upon the publication of an article to ensure transparency and maintain trust with readers.
  • Management of Conflicts: MRD Publishers has procedures in place to handle declared conflicts of interest. Depending on the nature and extent of the conflict, strategies such as assigning different reviewers or editors may be employed to mitigate potential biases.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Conflicts of interest can emerge post-publication as new relationships form. Authors, reviewers, and editors are encouraged to update their conflict of interest disclosures as necessary to maintain integrity throughout the publication's life cycle.

Intellectual Property Respect

Respecting intellectual property is a fundamental principle at Multidisciplinary Research and Development Publishers (MRD Publishers). Our commitment to intellectual property respect ensures that all contributors receive appropriate recognition for their work and that our publications adhere to the highest ethical standards. Here’s an overview of how we uphold this principle:

  • Originality Requirement: All submissions must be original work. Authors are required to attest to the originality of their manuscripts and confirm they have not been published elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism Prevention: We use advanced plagiarism detection tools to ensure content integrity. Manuscripts with plagiarized content are subject to rejection or retraction if already published.
  • Proper Attribution: Authors must accurately cite and attribute all borrowed content, including direct quotes, data, and ideas from other works.
  • Use of Copyrighted Material: Authors must obtain written permission from copyright holders for any copyrighted material included in their manuscripts.
  • Copyright Ownership: Authors maintain copyright of their work under a Creative Commons license, allowing for sharing and use of the work with proper attribution.
  • Licensing Information: Each article’s licensing terms are clearly stated, outlining permissible uses to ensure responsible content utilization while respecting authors' rights.
  • Handling Disputes: We promptly address allegations of intellectual property infringement, investigating and resolving issues in compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Retraction and Correction Policies

Maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the scientific record is crucial at Multidisciplinary Research and Development Publishers (MRD Publishers). Our retraction and correction policies are designed to address issues in published articles transparently and responsibly.

  • Corrections: We publish corrections or errata when errors that significantly affect the interpretation or conclusion of a published paper are identified. These corrections are linked to the original article and prominently displayed in subsequent issues.
  • Retractions: Articles may be retracted in cases of significant errors or breaches of ethics such as plagiarism or data fabrication. Retractions are clearly marked, linked to the original article, and include a detailed notice explaining the reason for the retraction.
  • Notice of Retraction: Our retraction notices detail the reasons for the retraction and specify who initiated it, maintaining transparency with the scientific community.
  • Post-Publication Reviews: We continually monitor publications post-release and are prepared to publish notices of concern if significant issues arise, informing readers of potential problems.
  • Preservation of the Academic Record: Even when articles are retracted, the original publication is preserved unaltered online to maintain the integrity of the academic record.
  • Author Involvement: Authors are involved in the correction or retraction process whenever possible. If authors are unresponsive or unwilling to participate, MRD Publishers will still proceed with the necessary actions to uphold our publication standards.

No Refunding Policy

At Multidisciplinary Research and Development Publishers (MRD Publishers), we maintain a strict No Refunding Policy for article processing charges.

  • Non-refundable Charges: All article processing charges are non-refundable once the peer review process has commenced. These fees cover the administrative and operational costs associated with managing the submission and review of manuscripts.
  • Commitment to Review: By submitting their manuscript and paying the processing charges, authors are investing in a thorough and professional review process. This ensures that all submissions are evaluated fairly and meticulously by qualified reviewers.
  • Processing Cost Justification: The article processing fees are used to support the entire editorial process, including peer review management, journal production, online hosting and archiving, and ensuring global dissemination of published research.
  • Transparency in Fees: MRD Publishers ensures transparency regarding the article processing charges at the time of submission, allowing authors to make informed decisions before proceeding with their manuscript submissions.

Project information

  • Category: Web design
  • Client: ASU Company
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL:

This is an example of portfolio detail

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